Another great essay Douglas. I was always amazed that folks could believe that Trump is some sort of a "man of the people", and that he is going to take on elites. However, some of the confusion stems form the fact that reactionary parties seek conjure up an occult version of the common person as master race, and to explain why they are in disarray among the masses and perverted by the cultural pluralism. I fear we are now stuck with the media muddle of the distinctions you seek ameliorate. I think the best distinction is directional. Reactionaries want to go back to a mythical golden era, and progressives want to move forward with the multicultural reality and redress ever present reactionary elements. But it is tad tautological. Plus, I suspect I could spend months debating this one with philosophers, but then I might be too busy to work with our progressively retarded politicians (even those who pander to plutocrats) to raise an effective challenge to the FULL FRONTAL FASCISM we currently face. Note my recent missive: