Sordid indeed Ben, but pretty much spot on, unfortunately. Cheers for your candor. FDR warned us if we stopped progressing, fascism would rear its ugly head. I am still a bit puzzled why well pampered elites decided to re-invert their successful subliminal totalitarianism. Obviously the fact that they have no answers for the growing global crises (like climate change) convinced some to throw in the towel, and go FULL FRONTAL. Plus, they all know their fragile and facile system is on its last legs. But the fucking Mango Mussolini? Note the quotes attached to my recent missive. Fascism really is "capitalism plus murder", and Foucault had the number on its popularity. I also like “fascism is the counter-revolution for the revolution that never took place”. Fascism is the crucible of uncontrollable hate, and it eats it own young. Lord help us. See: