Spot on Jan. As far as it goes. Anxious to see where it goes. The plan is a good one. I wish there was a word we could use to get folks to realize how banking takes them to the cleaners and destroys the economy. I say all "bankers are wankers" which everybody knows, but then does not bother to hear why. The classical economists spoke of phantom wealth, which is he raison d'etat of the Masterbators of the Universe. Wealth from wealth rather than wealth from enterprise. But modern economists avoid talking about money and banking, it is the 3rd Rail of economic theory, and hence where most of the skullbuggery (my word for it) goes on. Like the sea monsters at the edges ancient maps. In fact they have developed an elaborate set of tall tales about it. (e.g., loanable funds, neutral mediation, etc.) about banking, that they know are lies. It is enough to have one believing in the conspiracy theories.
PS: That history of banking leading up to the financial crisis book you cite, is more than a bit biased. It was the big mortgage bundling banks, not community activists and politicians, that sent out the call for more subprime (and that anyone who could fog a mirror should get a loan or refi).