Spot on JD. But I wonder how much Trump will admire his fellow fascists leading other nations when they cross him (or stop kissing his huge ass), which they will eventually. Recall, his "only I have the answers". Fascism is everything you say and more, but we underestimate its internal ill-logic at our own peril. We have been ripe for fascism for several decades. NPR just had a story about a new book on the Hillbilly Highway, and how the white working class of the mid-west were overrun by southern values, and rejected those of the early labor movement. Also recall, Trump's dad was a leader in the New York KKK. Please note:



Greg Daneke, Emeritus Prof.
Greg Daneke, Emeritus Prof.

Written by Greg Daneke, Emeritus Prof.

Top Economics Writer, Gov. service, corp consulting, & faculty posts (e.g., Mich., Stanford, British Columbia). Piles of scholarly pubs & occasional diatribes.

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