Thanks for the clarification, many of the high school kids I know would be texting during meditation time anyway. The one reviewer said it nicely about the level of nearly violent hostility directed to educators these days, and I think this is real the crux of the problem. We never were paid well, but we once had a certain standing in the community. It is not a career I would recommend as I once did. I had a dear friend who spent her entire career winning awards for her teaching of 3rd graders (old enough to know better but too young to resist) in Mesa. And she told me that "it used to be when I sent a child home with a note they were in trouble, now if I do, I'm in trouble." While I ended my teaching career (but I still conduct a tiny bit research with international institutes) at ASU, I don't spend much time in AZ anymore. Plus, my ideas/findings/ observations regarding the travails of the US political economy are only slightly palatable there (even as it is turning purple), so I will pass for now. But thanks for the suggestion.